A training session for everyday drivers to help them always keep control of their vehicle.
Training for experienced drivers to help them keep control over their vehicles in normal conditions and extreme, winding mountain road circumstances.
Training for experienced drivers to make them more experienced, so that they can succeed even in extreme situations.
Specialized, advanced level training for drivers who have already participated in a previous drivingcamp training and want to elevate their expertise to a higher level.
Training for 2 people who want to test the limits of their car together, to show each other how well they know the limits of themselves and the car in various simulated emergency situations.
Pair training for 2 people who want to always be in control of their vehicle both on weekdays and in mountainous conditions!
Expired gift voucher prolongation possibility - for one time occassion.
This fee charged in case of:
- cancellation of the already registrated and confimed appointment within 24 hours
- modification of the already regsitrared and confirmed appointment more than 1 occ.
We offer the possibility to our clients' guests or relatives to take part passively on a training.
Get your Black Ice training and become a pro-driver in winter, even on the ice!
Voucher can be used until the 31 of March 2025
Special winter preparatory training for those, who would like to practice under winter road conditions, and would like to expand their driving skills in order to drive their vehicles more safely.
When the driving license is younger than 12 months.
Training for beginners to learn how to react in real emergency situations.
Surprise your beloved ones with the special driving and wellness package of drivingcamp Hungary and Hotel Abacus****!
We recommend the training for those who have newly purchased their GR SPORT car and want to test their own limits in a safe, controlled environment.
Extra intensive training for the enthusiasts of driving, 2 hours personalised track program, the experience is guaranteed!
Life is better in pairs, so is driving!
Our after work driving traing is worth now: book now for 2 with your beloved one or best friend or favourite collegue for a common training!
Extra intensive training for the enthusiasts of driving, 2 hours personalised track program for 3 person, the experience is guaranteed!
A real adventure training only for you off the roads!
Our professional trainer guide you individually for 2 hours!
Your first driving experience!
This 60 minutes involve the young ones to get the taste of the first driving experience with an automatic Mercedes-Benz A-Class training car with a side pedal.
Our professional trainers introduce the active and passive safety systems for the brand new Mercedes-Benz vehicles in a unique way.
Our professional trainers introduce the active and passive safety systems for the brand new Mercedes-Benz vehicles in a unique way.
Training for economical and environmentally conscious drivers who, by properly treating their vehicles, would like to reduce the fuel assumption and exhaust emission of their cars.
We recommend this training for you if:
- you want to pollute your environment to a lesser extent;
- you opt for calm, even-tempered driving.
In order to ensure efficient and safe training, participants use their own vehicle and keep radio contact with the instructor.
Precondition: Valid category B driver’s license, valid motorway pass
WEEKDAY AFTERNOON motorcycle training for the lovers of curves.
Training for beginners and novice motorcyclists who have not yet participated in a training before, or who would like to refresh their knowledge with a technical skill training.
Training for motorcyclists who have already participated at any motorcycle driving technique training and would like to improve their knowledge.
Due to conference room rental fee please contact us directly: [email protected] or +36 23 565 530.
Due to conference room rental fee please contact us directly: [email protected] or +36 23 565 530.
Due to rental fee or tailor-made requests please contact us directly: [email protected] or +36 23 565 530.
Go-Kart Camp at the dcKarting Track!
Are you over 12 years old and passionate about the world of go-karting? Join us for a week-long intensive summer camp led by multiple go-kart champion Adrián Janecskó and take your skills to the next level!
The perfect offer for those who would like to give a special go-kart experience to their loved ones or to themselves! :)
YOU, GOKART and GOPRO - we present our latest and coolest go-kart package!
On the professional track of drivingcamp, you can not only use top-of-the-line go-karts, but we also provide to a GoPro capture, then you can share your performance with others!
The perfect offer for those who would like to give a special go-kart experience to their loved ones or to themselves!
For Gokart lovers!
Our unique package offer gives real experience to your loved ones or even to yourself! :)
Gokart gift voucher - with 10 races for 2 people.
Our unique package offers you real experience with your beloved one.
Expired GOKART vocuher extension for futher 1 season.
The purpose of this training is to develop driving technique skills of car drivers.
During the theoretical lessons, participants can learn about the effects of vehicle dynamics and the basics of the mechanical functions of the vehicle. During the practical training, the adaptive systems of the vehicle in use can be experienced through a series of exercises based on and running in parallel with the theoretical training. Participants will learn the basic driving techniques and solution schemes that are essential for dealing with emergency situations.
The aim of the training is to assess and develop the driving skills of the participants.
By consciously applying the driving techniques learned and practised in the theoretical and practical modules of the training, the participants will have the opportunity to recognise and prevent accident-prone situations in time and to deal with emergencies effectively.
The aim of the training is to develop driving skills of the participants, and at the same time, to give a general knowledge of vehicle physics and technology.
During the practical lessons, the participants can experience the adaptive systems of the vehicle in use through the exercises based on theoretical modules.
They also learn the importance of the adjustment of correct seating position and steering wheel handling.
The basic driving techniques that are essential for dealing with emergency situations can also be acquired.